Project Teams

Learn by Doing

The next big thing does not happen in a bubble, it requires building up skills and experience to bring an idea into the world. Project Teams are devoted to the practice of this kind of work through classes and applied project experiences developed to push through to the next level.

Engage Your Passion

Diversity of opportunity means you will be more likely to find a fit that matches your interest. we believe that working in subjects that interest and engage you provide a much more impactful learning experience.


Years of Industry Experience


Potential Community Partners


Programs & Trainings

The Project Team Experience

The UVM Project Teams offer students at all levels a multifaceted learning opportunity that crosses disciplines and educational levels (Undergraduate, Graduate and Continuing Education). Entirely led and run by students, project teams collaboratively solve complex problems while gaining real-world engineering experience.


Project teams are composed of student from diverse academic backgrounds including all engineering disciplines, business, and the arts from first year to graduate students. Students lead the team and make decisions collectively to meet project goals while developing a comprehensive solution including including business plans, design, marketing, fundraising, education, operations, and logistics.


Faculty advisors, and VERSO provides technical and administrative support to each team and the overall program. Participants can earn academic credit for their work on a project team from 1-3 credits per year.


VERSO (Vermont Research Open Program Office) will provide key learning requirements for joining a Project Team to give students a background in design, prototyping, project management, open work practices, etc.  What makes our Project Teams unique is that Open Source is at the core for all the teams.


Benefits of Project Team Participation

  • Develop technical competencies and gain practical knowledge
  • Exposure to the complete design and build cycle in creating innovative solutions
  • Direct experience in real-world teamwork
  • earn academic course credit
  • build a professional network with future colleagues, alumni, and corporate sponsors
  • Refine skills such as time management, project management, and working within limitations

How Do Project Teams Work?

Choose a team that you want to join or contact us about forming your own team and notify us. Teams will need to define roles for the coming year, create a business plan including a budget with fundraising opportunities and timelines and a pitch deck for what they want to accomplish. This will be presented to the CDI Project Teams Advisory Panel.


Students who have not already taken the introductory classes (see here) focused for your interests which are required to participate in a Project Team will need to complete those online courses in the first month. Additional online courses focused on competencies will be available. Necessary open source tools will be provided by VERSO (Open Source Program Office)


Project completion will include a final presentation to the Advisory Board will go through successes, mistakes and next steps as a group as well as individual competency assessments.


What do Project Teams Get for Support

  • Course Credit
  • Access to Project Teams Course Materials
  • Technical Software Support from VERSO
  • Faculty Advisor
  • Recruitment opportunities for cross-disciplinary teams
  • Networking event opportunities
  • Listing of Team Projects on UVM and promotion of work done by Teams by UVM

Current Project Teams

Alternative Energy Racing Organization​

The Alternative Energy Racing Organization is a student-run club at the University of Vermont that designs and builds electric and hybrid vehicles to compete at Formula Hybrid, an international collegiate competition. We apply skills we’ve learned in and out of the classroom to build race cars that are as fast as they are efficient, all while making professional connections and building our résumés.

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) UVM is one of the many student chapters of EWB-USA. \EWB-UVM is a space for students to apply their knowledge and creativity to real-world problems through projects in Vermont, the U.S., and in developing countries worldwide.

UVM CS Crew​

The purpose of the CS Crew is to cultivate a community of people who are passionate about computer science. We provide resources to people interested in computer science such as recruiting events, workshops, and a room to study in at any time. We are a student-led community of individuals studying or interested in Computer Science at the University of Vermont.

UVM Dairy Challenge Club

The UVM Dairy Challenge Team is dedicated to furthering student knowledge in the dairy industry through farm operation assessment and taking part in Dairy Challenge competitions.

UVM Entrepreneurship Club

The Entrepreneurship Club works to provide its members with the experience of running their own business through guest speaker seminars, pitch competitions, ideathons and community projects. Bring your ideas to life at our weekly meetings in Hills 20!

Society of Women Engineers

SWE is an academic group of women in science, engineering, and mathematics fields. This club is not just limited to women; we are open to all genders! Anyone who supports women in science and engineering is welcome:)


Project Teams are given access to a special set of online curriculum focused on providing training in industry standard skills needed for basic competency and additional learning tracks for specialization and education level.

Project Teams Intro 010

Learn some of the basic competencies needed for running a Project Team with first defining a learning plan then start on some skills:

  • Project Management
  • Open Source Tools
  • Business Management
  • Industry Tools
  • Engineering Practices
  • Product Design and Management
  • Marketing and Branding

Learning Track 100-200

Take you learning plan from Project Teams Intro 101 and start building a focus on a discipline:
  • Engineering Management
  • User Experience
  •  Graphic Design
  •  Product Management
  •  Prototyping
  •  3D Modeling
  •  Brand Marketing
  •  Social Media Marketing
Potential Course:

CDAE 060 Design Innovation I
Design Innovation I will provide a background for understanding the broad applications of design, employing fundamentals such as principles, methodologies, and skills that comprise a common knowledge base important to all design disciplines.


EE 131 Fundamentals of Digital Design
Combinational logic simplification and design, MSI and PLD components, synchronous and asynchronous sequential design, algorithmic state machines, registers, counters, memory units, introduction to hardware design languages. Digital circuit and system design and analysis laboratory implementation


ENGR 001 First-Year Design Experience
Introduction to the engineering profession and the engineering design process. Hands-on experiences that emphasize interdisciplinary teamwork, seeking and defining problems, and developing, fabricating and/or testing solutions. Data analysis and technical communications.


CDAE 018 Communication Design I

Directed projects which explore the elements and principles of communication design. Design research, process, experimentation, and production in hand-based and computer-generated design application for multi-modal presentation.


Graduate Program

Explore your work at a deep level, build a resume and explore leadership in a Project Team by bring your expertise. Additional Graduate Certificates are available for your work as well as the potential for fundraising to support your work.


Continuing Education

Demonstrate real-world use of skills and create a powerful resume while also potentially working with industry partners through collaboration and fundraising opportunities.


We are a cross-disciplinary team of staff, faculty and students focus on driving a community focused on open, rapid innovation and design. 

Erik Monsen

Associate Professor

Steve Kostell

Assistant Professor

Kendall Fortney

VERSO Program Director

John Meluso

Sloan VERSO Postdoctoral Fellow for Systems, Organizations, and Inclusion

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